How to use AliExpress Targeting Suggestion: coming soon
How to use Hunt Hot Ads:
First of all, click on “Hunt Hot Ads” and “Enable” the option to use hunt hot ads.
In “Hunt Hot Ads”, there are many options for you to open or narrow the result of hunting ads.
You can choose each option (comments >= 300; comments >= 1/3 likes; shares >= 1/5 likes) or all options to hunt ads in Facebook.
When using tool “Auto hunt”, you can automatically search results of Facebook ads every 15 minutes.
(Note: You have to open your Facebook page when you use tool “Auto hunt”. Refresh your Facebook page before click auto hunt button.)
After hunting all Facebook Ads, you can see a list of ads and find which one you want to know more about. The tool “Search stores” will be updated later.
Incredible support
Choose Ads which you want to know more detail.
You can request that the Pexda team finds suppliers on AliExpress, Amazon, and e-Bay and creates ad copy (videos) for you.
In the Account section, for each account, you have different requests:
Standard Account will have 2 requests each day.
Premium Account will have 4 requests each day.
Ultimate Account will have 8 requests each day.
Beside, you can see your request again in “Your request” section.
The information above contains all the instructions needed to help customers use the Pexda tool.